New American Cursive 3: Famous Quotes & Lessons on Manners (Second Edition) $35.95

Table of Contents and Sample
Classroom Work Samples

Developed by Iris Hatfield, with over 35 years of experience in the handwriting field, the book improves the process of teaching handwriting and allows students to start at a younger age.

Every child can master cursive in the first grade, and many of our first graders write better than typical third graders. Learning cursive early ensures that students are not slowed down or frustrated in the upper grades when they are focusing on other subjects, such as grammar and composition.

New American Cursive 3:

  • Seven-page Teaching Guide included
  • 100 instruction exercises for excellent penmanship development
  • Practice pages include character-building quotes
  • Simplified alphabet, unnecessary strokes eliminated
  • Bound at the top for ease of use by left-handed students
  • Includes exercises to develop creative writing skills
  • Blank reproducible practice pages included
  • Flexible method allows for the individuality of the child


Companion Products:

New American Cursive 3 (Scripture & Lessons on Manners)

New American Cursive Bundle (Grades 1-5)

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in


Published Date



Iris Hatfield


Memoria Press


Spiral Bound


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