Of Plymouth Plantation $20.95
No one was better equipped to report on the affairs of the Plymouth community than William Bradford. Revered for his patience, wisdom, and courage, Bradford was elected to the office of governor in 1621, and he continued to serve in that position for more than three decades.

His memoirs of the colony remained virtually unknown until the nineteenth century. Lost during the American Revolution, they were discovered years later in London and published after a protracted legal battle.

The current edition rendered into modern English and with an introduction by Harold Paget, remains among the most readable books from seventeenth-century America.

Table of Contents:

Book I-1608-1620. Persecution and Flight from England–Settlement in Holland–Passage to England and Voyage to America–Landing at Cape Cod and New Plymouth
Book II-1620-1646. History of the Settlement at New Plymouth

Reprint of Bradford’s History of the Plymouth Settlement, 1608-1650, Rendered into Modern English by Harold Paget, E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1920.
Additional information
Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 8 × 5 × .3 in



William Bradford

Date Published






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