Phases of Matter: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
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This is the perfect introduction to chemistry at the elementary level: it’s all about solids, liquids, and gases. Water is the most important substance on our planet, and teaching about its characteristics addresses many physical science concepts. As students learn about water, they also learn about the properties of solids and liquids, the solubility of salt and sugar, and crystal structure. The concepts of evaporation and condensation help students understand the properties of gases; they also learn the difference between mass and volume. Of course, no unit on the phases of matter is complete without giving children the opportunity to explore the characteristics of slime. There are three separate recipes in this manual for this wonderful substance, which represents the essence of a positive, hands-on, elementary science experience. This unit is rich in content and easy-to-run student activities. The manual also contains teaching tips, budget recommendations, and safety advice.
The book comes with downloadable worksheets for children, as well as an array of downloadable images to project for the students to see. It is appropriate for teaching children ages 8-13 (grades 3-7).
Titles in Series:
Oceans: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
The Digestive System: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
Electricity: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
Phases of Matter: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
Chemistry: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
The Cell: Dr. Dave’s Teaching Manual
Our Solar System: Dr. Dave’s Teaching ManualÂ
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