A & B Books:
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Placement Test:
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Singapore Math Placement Test
Table of Contents:
Chapter 8: Mental Calculation
Lesson 1: Adding Ones Mentally
Lesson 2: Adding Tens Mentally
Lesson 3: Making 100
Lesson 4: Adding 97, 98, or 99
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Subtracting Ones Mentally
Lesson 7: Subtracting Tens Mentally
Lesson 8: Subtracting 97, 98, or 99
Lesson 9: Practice B
Lesson 10: Practice C
Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division of 3 and 4
Lesson 1: The Multiplication Table of 3
Lesson 2: Multiplication Facts of 3
Lesson 3: Dividing by 3
Lesson 4: Practice A
Lesson 5: The Multiplication Table of 4
Lesson 6: Multiplication Facts of 4
Lesson 7: Dividing by 4
Lesson 8: Practice B
Lesson 9: Practice C
Chapter 10: Money
Lesson 1: Making $1
Lesson 2: Dollars and Cents
Lesson 3: Making Change
Lesson 4: Comparing Money
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Adding Money
Lesson 7: Subtracting Money
Lesson 8: Practice B
Chapter 11: Fractions
Lesson 1: Halves and Fourths
Lesson 2: Writing Unit Fractions
Lesson 3: Writing Fractions
Lesson 4: Fractions that Make 1 Whole
Lesson 5: Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Lesson 6: Practice
Review 3
Chapter 12: Time
Lesson 1: Telling Time
Lesson 2: Time Intervals
Lesson 3: A.M. and P.M.
Lesson 4: Practice
Chapter 13: Capacity
Lesson 1: Comparing Capacity
Lesson 2: Units of Capacity
Lesson 3: Practice
Chapter 14: Graphs
Lesson 1: Picture Graphs
Lesson 2: Bar Graphs
Lesson 3: Practice
Chapter 15: Shapes
Lesson 1: Straight and Curved Sides
Lesson 2: Polygons
Lesson 3: Semicircles and Quarter-circles
Lesson 4: Patterns
Lesson 5: Solid Shapes
Lesson 6: Practice
Review 4
Review 5