Song School Greek (Student Book with CD)
Song School Greek (Teacher’s Edition)
Greek Beak Match Card Game
A yearlong course for grades 1-3
The Song School Greek Program is a lively and gentle introduction to Koine Greek—the language of the New Testament. One of the mother tongues of the English language, Greek is also a perfectly orderly language, ideal to help us understand the structure of any language and learn how a language works. This program is an excellent prequel to our grammar-based, upper-elementary Greek for Children series.
Full program includes:
- Song School Greek (student edition) Each of the 32 weekly lessons includes songs, fun vocabulary, illustrations, handwriting practice, stories, games, and activities. Enjoyable, everyday vocabulary is introduced in each lesson to encourage and engage young students. A lively musical CD is included with the book and features the vocabulary from each chapter.
- Song School Greek Teacher’s Edition Are you concerned about teaching Greek? In addition to the full content of the Song School Greek student text, the Song School Greek Teacher’s Edition includes answer keys, teaching suggestions, and a special DVD for parents and teachers that will teach you the basics of the language. You can do it!
- Greek Beak Match Flashcard Game With these cards, students can search for Greek and English matches, collect pairs, test their memory, play in groups, or play by themselves! This fun card game will sharpen their Greek skills. With over 135 Greek words, these cards contain all the vocabulary from Song School Greek. Greek Beak Match Flashcard Game can be used to play matching games such as Memory and Go Fish, and can also be used as flash cards for extra practice.
Greek Alphabet Flashcards Click here to download the flashcard fronts (PDF) Click here to download the flashcard backs (PDF)
Greek Alphabet Coloring Pages (PDF) Color a picture for each Greek letter. Also a great activity for younger siblings!
Free Song School Greek Coloring Pages! (PDF) Color a picture for each Greek word in Song School Greek. Also a great activity for younger siblings!
Song School Greek Errata (PDF)
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