The Curious Historian: Level 3A – Archive (Digital Resources) $52.95


The digital files include:

  • Songs: It is a well-known fact that students rarely forget what they sing! TCH3A includes 4 catchy and entertaining songs that you and your students will enjoy singing in class and even as you go about the rest of your day. The unit songs summarize the key events and cultural pieces included in the chapters. The fourth tune, “Top 12 Things to Remember from TCH3A,” is a great way for students to impress their friends and family with the most interesting tidbits about the early Middle Ages! The lyrics are found in appendix A, and a PDF download of the song lyrics is included in the support resources for easy reference if your students want to sing in the car, on vacation, or at a friend’s house. A song icon in the text will prompt you to introduce each chapter’s verses to students at the beginning of each lesson. Sample songs coming soon!
  • TCH3A Profiles and Legends (PDF): This collection of optional readings is intended to complement the TCH3A chapters by introducing students to some of the more famous tales of medieval history—such as the story of Odo of Bayeux—that we did not have room for in our text. The Profile pieces shed further light on interesting historical achievements by important figures, such as Amalasuintha, Alcuin, and Æthelflæd, whom we could only spend a limited amount of space discussing in the context of each chapter.
  • Biblical Connections in TCH3A (PDF): For teachers and parents who would like to integrate religious history/biblical studies with their study of ancient history, we have created a supplemental PDF that draws connections to biblical history and locations, scripture verses, and so forth. Icons in the teacher’s edition indicate when to reference this optional PDF resource.
  • The Curious Historian’s Reading Guide for TCH3A (PDF): For those who would like to continue their exploration of medieval history beyond the pages of our text, we have supplied a recommended reading list, featuring titles for both students and teachers. This PDF includes clickable links for easy browsing and purchasing.
  • Guide to Holding a Medieval Day Event (PDF): A great way for students to review what they have learned in their study of the Middle Ages is a daylong event that celebrates medieval history. This guide for hosting such an event at your school or homeschool co-op includes plans for multiple learning stations, an immersive monastery experience, medieval games, a mystery play, and a catapult battle.
  • “Master Supply List for the Medieval Day Event” (PDF): This master supply list includes all the materials required for the Medieval Day Event in a convenient, printable checklist.
  • Guide to Holding a Medieval Day Event (PDF): A great way for students to review what they have learned in their study of the Middle Ages is a daylong event that celebrates medieval history. This guide for hosting such an event at your school or homeschool co-op includes plans for multiple learning stations, an immersive monastery experience, medieval games, a mystery play, and a catapult battle.
  • “Master Supply List for the Medieval Day Event” (PDF): This master supply list includes all the materials required for the Medieval Day Event in a convenient, printable checklist.
  • The “Top 12 Things to Remember from TCH3A” (PDF): This beautifully designed and convenient reference sheet can be posted in the classroom or distributed to students.
  • Map Exercises (PDF): The unit review chapters in TCH3A feature exercises that challenge students to recall geographic and political features included in the chapter maps. These printable versions of the map exercises can be used for review or assessment. Answer keys are included.
  • Unit Time Lines (PDF): Featured in the unit introductions and appendix E, the 3 fully designed unit time lines are provided for download so they can be printed and displayed.
  • The Medieval Civilizations Timetable (PDF): A digital version of the timetable in appendix F can be projected in the classroom or printed.

Extra Resources:

The Curious Historian Level 1A Introduction to Teachers Audio (MP3)
This introduction to the first book pertains to the entire series.
Glossary: Series Alphabetical Vocabulary (Teacher Edition)
Glossary: Series Alphabetical Vocabulary (Student Edition)


Companion Products:

The Curious Historian Level 3A – Student Edition
The Curious Historian Level 3A – Teacher Edition
The Curious Historian Level 3A – Archives (Digital Resources)
The Curious Historian Level 3A – Bonus Digital Resources

The Curious Historian Level 3A Package
The Curious Historian Level 3B Package

Previous Levels:

The Curious Historian Level 1A Package
The Curious Historian Level 1B Package

The Curious Historian Level 2A Package
The Curious Historian Level 2B Package


Please note: This digital item is non-refundable.


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Elisabeth G. Wolfe, PhD,
Alison Hardy, PhD,
Paul Stephenson, PhD,
Courtney Fu, PhD,
Aaron G. Larsen, DA


Classical Academic Press


Digital Resources



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