Children with deficiencies in this area are prone to excessive rereading, skipping lines, or having to use a finger to keep place, all of which result in a slow reading speed.
This book is consumable; it is designed to be written in.
Related Resources:
Eye Tracking Perceptual Training Workbook
Advanced Eye Tracking Workbook
Recognition of Reversals Practice Workbook
Spelling Tracking Practice Workbook
Visual Memory Perceptual Training Workbook
Visual Motor Coordination Practice Workbook
Visual Scanning Perceptual Training Workbook
Directionality Therapy Procedures Workbook
Gross Motor Therapy Procedures Workbook
Laterality Therapy Procedures Workbook
Ocular Motor Therapy Procedures Workbook
Sequential Processing Therapy Procedures
Simultaneous Processing Therapy Procedures Workbook
Visual Motor Therapy Procedures Workbook
LARS: The Lane Academic Readiness ScreenÂ
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