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Bible Storybook Stack

Family Life | March 19, 2021

We have used several of these Bible Storybooks over the years and it would be a challenge to pick a favourite.

It’s important that our children hear the bible read to them on a regular basis as hearing the words, wisdom, and instruction over the years builds a strong foundation. What at times seems to be information that is beyond young ones does build over time.

A solid bible storybook is another tool we can use to build a solid foundation. They help young ones access wisdom and truth early in their lives and they give a high-altitude view of the bible, using stories as a way to communicate. As well, cycling through these stories year after year becomes the basis for more advanced learning, making these great resources for the grammar stage of learning.


The Big Picture Story Bible

The Jesus Storybook Bible

The Story Bible

A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories

The Golden Children’s Bible

The Child’s Story Bible

The Children’s Illustrated Story Bible

Story Bible for Older Children – Old Testament

Story Bible for Older Children – New Testament

Journey Through the Bible













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